
Always Feel Tired? It’s Probably Because Your Body Is Too Acidic / JENNY MARCHAL

| February 16, 2025
Always Feel Tired? It’s Probably Because Your Body Is Too Acidic / JENNY MARCHAL

Do you constantly feel tired and worn down? Do you find you need stimulants like coffee to get you through the morning or even generally throughout the day? Your first go-to solution may well be to get more sleep but what if you get your 8 hours a night and still feel fatigued when your […]

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The Top Documentaries We Can Use To Change The World

| August 12, 2015
The Top Documentaries We Can Use To Change The World

A more beautiful, just and sustainable world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change! Documentaries have an incredible power to raise awareness and create transformative changes in consciousness both at the personal and global levels.Over the last 8 years, we’ve watched hundreds of social change documentaries and cataloged the best […]

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Bionic leaf: Researchers use bacteria to convert solar energy into liquid fuel

| February 12, 2015 | 0 Comments
Bionic leaf: Researchers use bacteria to convert solar energy into liquid fuel

Harvesting sunlight is a trick plants mastered more than a billion years ago, using solar energy to feed themselves from the air and water around them in the process we know as photosynthesis. Scientists have also figured out how to harness solar energy, using electricity from photovoltaic cells to yield hydrogen that can be later […]

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