
Avustralya’da Türkiye Yılı Açılış Konseri 4 Mart 2015 ta

| February 2, 2015 | 0 Comments
Avustralya’da Türkiye Yılı Açılış Konseri 4 Mart 2015 ta

Avustralya’da Türkiye Yılı Açılış Konseriyle 4 Mart 2015 Capitol Theatre da başlıyor. Detaylı bilgi için bizi izlemeye devam edin.

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İlkay Akkaya konserler için Avustralya ya geliyor

| February 2, 2015 | 0 Comments
İlkay Akkaya konserler için Avustralya ya geliyor

Değerli Sanatçı Ilkay Akkaya, Anadolu Kültür Merkezinin Sydney (14 Şubat 2015) ve Melbourne (21 Şubat 2015) da düzenlediği Barış ve Dostluk Konserleri için geliyor. İlkay Akkaya, Marmara Üniversitesi Basın Yayın Yüksekokulu’nu bitirdi. Profesyonel müzik çalışmalarına Grup Yorum‘a katılarak başladı. Bir süre İstanbul Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuarı’na devam etti. Ayrıca özel şan dersleri aldı. Grup Yorum’la birlikte […]

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Celebrating Australian culture in Turkey

| February 2, 2015 | 0 Comments
Celebrating Australian culture in Turkey

‘Australia in Turkey 2015’, the Australian Government’s biggest cultural festival in Turkey, will be launched at the Istanbul Design Biennale in November. The festival will present Turkish audiences with a contemporary face of Australian culture, showcasing the rich diversity of our innovative and multicultural nation. The four month celebration of Australian culture will be staged […]

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Richard Morecroft, Jasper Knight and Mertim Gokalp

| February 2, 2015 | 0 Comments

TV presenter, in conversation with Archibald Prize finalists Jasper Knight and Mertim Gokalp. This panel discussion will consider the role of portraiture as a record and in paying tribute. The subjects of both Jasper’s and Mertim’s 2013 Archibald portraits passed away. The artists will consider the impact that these deaths had on their practice and […]

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| February 2, 2015 | 0 Comments

  Mertim Gokalp, Derwish – A portrait of Billie Brown, Oil on canvas 180 X 140cm   Revered actor Bille Brown died in January this year from cancer. His career took him from the Queensland town of Biloela to stages around Australia, the Royal Shakespeare Company, London’s West End and Broadway. He also appeared in many films, […]

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