
Rosa Luxemburg: Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle

| March 7, 2015
Rosa Luxemburg: Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle

As a celebration of Rosa Luxemburg’s birthday, we are publishing her original article Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle that was speech given by her  at the Second Social Democratic Women’s Rally, Stuttgart, Germany, May 12, 1912. / The Aurora Australis.   “Why are there no organizations for working women in Germany? Why do we hear so little about the […]

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18 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Socrates / Luminita Saviuc

| February 17, 2015 | 0 Comments
18 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Socrates / Luminita Saviuc

If I have learned something from Socrates is that you cannot teach people anything; you can only make them think. You can only draw out of them the wisdom which is latent within them. And by doing so, you help open their eyes, making them realize that they were born with wings and that they […]

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Gri Alanda / Slavoj Žižek

| February 11, 2015 | 0 Comments
Gri Alanda / Slavoj Žižek

“Ben şuyum” (veya “Hepimiz şuyuz”) şeklindeki acıklı özdeşleşme formülü ancak belirli sınırlar dâhilinde iş görüyor; bu sınırları aştığındaysa müstehcen bir hal alıyor. “Je suis Charlie” (Ben Charlie’yim) diyebiliriz fakat “Hepimiz Saraybosna’da yaşıyoruz!” ya da “Hepimiz Gazze’deyiz!” gibi örnekler verildiğinde iş karışmaya başlıyor. Hepimizin Saraybosna veya Gazze’de yaşamıyor olduğumuzu hatırlatan acımasız gerçek, acıklı bir özdeşleşme ile […]

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