
Ayse Goknur Shanal sharing stage with Opera Australia in Parramatta this weekend

| March 15, 2015
Ayse Goknur Shanal sharing stage with Opera Australia in Parramatta this weekend

Parramatta Park is joining the culture club. No, there’s no Boy George but the famous World Heritage-listed park on the edge of the Parramatta CBD is hosting two free concerts this weekend — the Sydney Symphony Orchestra’s annual visit tonight, and Opera Australia’s park debut tomorrow night. And organisers and stars alike hope the events […]

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Meet the children born into a battleground / Jacob Hunt, UNICEF Australia

| March 12, 2015
Meet the children born into a battleground / Jacob Hunt, UNICEF Australia

Unicef Australia started campaign to help Syrian Refugee Children. Please find details below from Unicef Australia website. Aurora Australis. If you’ve ever watched a child grow up, you’ll remember how precious those first four years of life were. Those first days when she felt so utterly fragile and dependent. Her first excited giggles and wobbly […]

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Australia and Turkey unite for year-long festival to mark Gallipoli centenary / Suzanne Carbone

| March 12, 2015
Australia and Turkey unite for year-long festival to mark Gallipoli centenary / Suzanne Carbone

Turkunay Erzeren stands at her stove stirring Turkish coffee in her cezve, the long-handled pot. Her “Turkish latte” with milk and sugar is poured into cups, providing a warm caffeine, and the last sip is the most important – the one that leaves sediment at the bottom. Mrs Erzeren is an intuitive soul who reads […]

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The Humble Roots Of An International Symbol Of Resistance

| March 9, 2015
The Humble Roots Of An International Symbol Of Resistance

  She’s a perfectly typical sociology student from Camden. Except for one minor thing. Mert Balkanli talks to the global symbol of Turkey’s Gezi Park protests. How did a Sydneysider become the symbol of a social movement in the land of Gallipoli? The protests, started in May last year by a handful of environmentalists opposing […]

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20 inspiring black women who have changed Australia

| March 7, 2015
20 inspiring black women who have changed Australia

To mark this year’s International Women’s Day, NITV has put together a list of 20 trailblazing Indigenous women who have changed Australia. Source: NITV News / By Luke Briscoe  Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders should exercise caution when viewing this article as it contains names of deceased persons and this may cause distress to members of these communities. […]

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Turkey in Music review

| March 5, 2015
Turkey in Music review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Turkey in Music Capitol Theatre, March 4 What a triumph of employing the arts as the apex of diplomacy (are you listening, Julie Bishop?). What a gift from Turkey in Gallipoli’s centenary year: 90 minutes of exceptional music – and for free! Presented by the Turkish Ministry of Culture […]

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Yasar Kemal Obituary

| March 3, 2015
Yasar Kemal Obituary

The Turkish writer Yaşar Kemal, who has died aged 91, found fame after the publication of his first novel, Ince Memed (1955), translated into English as Memed, My Hawk (1961). It became known around the world in other translations, the first Turkish novel to make a big impact internationally. Kemal was then working as a […]

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Yaşar Kemal’in okurlarına vasiyeti

| March 1, 2015 | 0 Comments
Yaşar Kemal’in okurlarına vasiyeti

Kasım 2014’te Bilgi Üniversitesi’nin kendisine ‘fahri doktora’ unvanı vermek için düzenlediği törene sağlık sorunları nedeniyle katılmayan Yaşar Kemal’in gönderdiği mesaj, adeta okurlara bırakılmış bir vasiyetti. Yaşar Kemal gönderdiği mesajda şöyle demişti: Bir, benim kitaplarımı okuyan katil olmasın, savaş düşmanı olsun. İki, insanın insanı sömürmesine karşı çıksın. Kimse kimseyi aşağılayamasın. Kimse kimseyi asimile edemesin. İnsanları asimile […]

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Seçimlerde Avustralyada Oyunuzu Nasıl Kullanabilirsiniz

| February 27, 2015 | 0 Comments

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sidney Başkonsolosluğu  önümüzdeki 25. dönem Milletvekili seçimlerinde oy kullanma isteyen  Avustralyada yaşayan Türkiye vatandaşları için aşağıda verilen bilgilere uymaları istenmektedir. Avustralyada yaşayan Türkiyeliler oy kullanabilmek için 27 MART 2015 tarihine kadara seçmen kayıtlarını yaptırmaları için adres beyanında bulunmalrı gerekmekte. Kayıtlı bulunduğunuz adresı kontrol etmek için Yüksek Seçim Kurulu’nun  adresli web sitesinden yurtdışı seçmen kütüğünde kaydının olup olmadığını […]

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Prof. İbrahim Kaboğlu: Anayasal darbe sürecindeyiz / CAN BURSALI

| February 26, 2015 | 0 Comments
Prof. İbrahim Kaboğlu: Anayasal darbe sürecindeyiz / CAN BURSALI

Anayasa hukukçu Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özden Kaboğlu, sokağa sıkıyönetim getireceği eleştirilerinin hedefindeki ‘İç Güvenlik Paketi’nin Anayasa’ya aykırı olduğunu vurgularken, yeni yapılacak bir Anayasa’nın bugün kullanılandan da geriye düşeceği tehlikesine dikkat çekti. Yeni Anayasa tartışmalarının başlayacağı süreçte ‘Siz darbe anayasasına mı sahip çıkıyorsunuz‘ gibi bir söylemin ön plana çıkabileceğine dikkat çeken Kaboğlu’na göre yapılmak istenen‘anayasal darbe.’ Başkanlık sisteminin […]

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